From : Geh Cheng Lok & Co, Advocates & Solicitors
Friday, August 14, 2009
Push PockeT....
From : Geh Cheng Lok & Co, Advocates & Solicitors
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My 16th Birthday Gifts ( 4rom TMC frenz version)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The bOOks of the YeaR
This was the first book I bought when I first came to Singapore to study O Level (plz take note, to study not for shopping or sth else). This book was recommended by Mdm Susan, my English teacher... She was the 2nd person I met when I first entered TMC Academy (the first one, guess who??) She was very helpful n friendly although to be honest some students didnt like her.... Not because she fierce (Oh God, she was super damn kind), but maybe because she taught a bit slow (come on man, she's 50's)... Alright, back to the book, I bought it in Bras Basah 2nd hand Bookshop.. It was quite cheap and I should have thought my tuition teacher also used the same book..hahaha... And to answer the question above, the human is Zhang Lien (if I'm not mistaken)..She was the course leader for O level which now has been replaced by Mizz Zoey...
This is my Malay Workbook.. I got it from my Malay teacher, Mr. Arif.. He is a Malaysian and came from the National Institute of Education (I guess so).. He taught me how to speak Bahasa Melayu in Baku. Although it was a bit hard at first but as the time goes by, I get use to it.. So far I have done my Malay Oral Exam and now I'm just waiting for the written exam...
My set of "English in Mind" from Erican Language Centre.. They have helped me in a lot of things not just sth that related to English but also about the culture, the tradition n the lifestyle of the Britons where most of them are the native speakers of English... The books which were published by Cambridge University Press n printed in Singapore also taught me how to express my emotions n feelings in English.. Surprisingly, some of the books in the picture were just for sale in South East Asia only.. (Maybe they have sth better in UK, I have no idea) ..
My main reference books,,,,The TMC SPECIAL TEXTBOOKS..... Just applicable for English, E. Maths and Additional Maths.. The only books I have that u cant get them from any bookshop except from TMC or maybe Bras Basah Complex... :-)
My lovely twins that helped me a lot in my Additional Maths... Now , I'm looking for the Geometry and Trigonometry version...
Although I'm not taking Chinese for my O Level, I also want to show u the books that help me in learning Mandarin (Chinese).... I'm studying Mandarin in Erican Language Centre in Johor and now I'm repeting my Level 1..hahaha...(what a waste....)
P/S: Sorry 4 my grams (grammars).. I'm in rush.. Gotta go to answer the nature's call......I will check later... =.=
Ogos, august, augustus, elokuu, kolovoz, Sing-ha-kom, Lúnasa, 八月, Серпень, Thang Tam, авгуcт, sierpień, أغسطس
These are some of the reasons why August which was actually the sixth month in the ancient Roman calender is so lovely and my cup of tea:
- August 9- Singapore National's Day (the country where I'm studing now)
- August 10- My Birthday... Hurray !!! (and my grandpa's)
- August 17- Indonesia's National Day (the country where I was born)..
- August 22- (ONLY FOR 2009) The beginning of Ramadhan aka the fasting month for Muslim people..
- August 24- My Oral English Examination which means I must sacrifice my time, put in more effort and work harder..
- August 31- Malaysia's National Day (my great and wonderful hometown)
For your information, many countries besides those I mentioned above also became independent in the gorgeous month of August such as:
- August 1- Swiss National Day.. (Switzerland)
- August 6- Bolivia ..
- August 10- Ecuador... (again my B'day)
- August 14- Pakistan..
- August 15- Korea and India...
- August 21- Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States of America.. (hula hula)
- August 25- Uruguay (independent from Brazil)
Others include:
- The end of 2nd World War (in 1945)... PEACE!!! STOP WAR!!
- National Women's Day in South Africa (August 9)...
- Language Month or "Buwan ng Wika " for the Philippines...
- Holiday month for most worker in many European countries..
- For the United States, August is the National Goat Cheese Month and the National Back to School month since some of US School districts and systems return to school in August.
- Bon festival - (Obon Festival) is a Japanese traditional buddhist custom, evolved into a family reunion holiday. Many Japanese manufacturers and firms give their employees 3 to 5 days off around August 15.
- etc...................
P/S: pictures are taken from flikr and yahoo image. Some informations are based on Wikipedia and My Little Book of Ideas by aLan (3/8/09). Thanks to my English teacher Miss Li Ling..
What I want??? .....
----English experts especially major in grammar to check my grammar and sentences in my posts in this marvellous n splendid blog (blowing my own trumpet..hehehe).....
Reward: -NIL-
What u can do? : Do remember to leave ur comment.. Hope we can learn from each other..
Should u need further clarification and details, plz do not hesitate to contact 099-987654321 Or email to (now is the real one)... Thanks for ur visit n time...
Yours Sincerely,
aLan WaLker,
the President of One Republic...
Friday, July 10, 2009
aLan RetuRns..
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Assalammualaikum and Salam Muhibah...Liburan akhir tahun udah pun bermula (udah lama sih).. Skrg gw lagi tunggu mau sekolah di mana yah??...Sebenarnya sih gw mau bgt sekolah di tempat lain..Mau cari pengalaman baru..hehehe... Tp kalo gw terpaksa sekolah di EC lg jugak ngak apa2 kok... Aduh.......doain yg terbaik yah..Kalo bisa gw mau ambil O level di S' gw yakin semuanya bergantung dari usaha utk berjaya... Utk loe semua ,, igt "Kejayaan itu dinilai dari usaha,,bukan dari pencapaian " (ngak maksud deh..huhuhu)....
Gw maunya ambil sains tulen tp mau jugak ambil Lukisan Kejuruteraan...Pengen jugak sih ambil Tassawur Islam.katanya sih seneng mau liat deh nanti.. yg jelas gw mau blajar Bahasa Arab n Bahasa Cina (Mandarin)...selain Bahasa Inggeris n Bahasa Malaysia..pd loe semua yg mau blajar bahasa2 asing (bkn bahasa mahluk asing ya)... cari aja di internet...dari yg bayar sampe yg ngak pake bayar alias gratis aka free.. Antaranya yg gw tahu kalo loe mau blajar mandarin..Terbukti ampuh....ATAU utk loe semua yg mau blajar ttg Culture atau apa2 yg berkaitan sama Asia Tenggara..
Kalo loe pade mau main2 game utk hilangin stress bisa coba ,,,,,(ketahuan deh hobi gw..hehehe)..Bkn hobi sih..Cuma iseng aja.... Jgn lupa juga kpd loe yg Muslim atau mahu tahu ttg Islam byk kok website yg bisa bantuin loe semua mencari jln kebenaran....
Drpd liat meningan sesekali nyobain . byk bgt maklumat ,video ,lagu2 di sini...Memang sih ngak ada lagunya beyonce di sini,,tp lagu nasyid yg ada jugak enak bgt.....Nasheed in english semuanya..pokoknya mcm2 deh.... Bisa jugak liat
Nasihat gw utk blogger yg baru,,, utk loe yg mau nyoba2 atau iseng bikin blog diharap jgn membangkitkan isu2 sensitif termsk ukuran celana dalam nyokap loh ...hehehe (ngak deng).... Ngak gw cuma mau nawarin website2 utk blog loh supaya lebih keren kayak gw... Utk background blog bisa liat .... Utk yg lain bisa nyoba / / ....
Utk loe pade yg di luar sana,,kalo ada website2 yg menarik atau apa2 lah bisa jugak di share ama gw... Jgn pelit ya...Oh ya,,jgn lupa pergi ke utk loh yg mahu tahu ttg exchange student... Doain juga ya supaya gw bisa di hantar ke USA atau ke London jgn di Depok....Utk mahu tahu lebih liat aja tv8 stp hari Rabu jam 9.30p.m atau pergi ke utk mengetahui ttg hidup 8 org pelajar Malaysia yg dihantar ke America utk blajr disana. Mudah2 an gw yg selanjutnya....Amin...
Utk yg pencinta alam,,bisa kunjungi ...Berusahalah utk mencintai bumi ini...Utk semua calon PMR 2008....Mungkin loe semua bisa liat model2 essay atau cth karangan di blog ini...ataupun maklumat2 terbaru atau nota2 PMR yg lain....Igt berusaha dari skrg.. jgn study last minute..jgn menyesal kayak gw..hehehehe.... aLL the Best...
Ok deh..kalo ade apa2 yg terbaru gw ngak akan pernah segan2 utk share lg bareng kalian semua di sini....kalo bisa vote lah blog ini utk jd The Best Blog Ever ..hahahah.....
Akhir kata,,kalo ada jarum yg patah jgn disimpan di dlm peti...Kalo ada silap n salah jgn simpan di dlm hati...Gw bisa kok jd temen curhat kalian..Tp kosultasinya bayar.....bye..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
70 Dosa-Dosa Besar (Special Edition utk Dihindari..)
- Belajar ilmu dan sembunyi pengetahuan..(oleh itu,,jgn segan2 nak ajar org)
- Bersaksi palsu..
- Berjudi..
- Bersumpah palsu dan bohong (apalagi bersumpah demi nama Allah SWT)
- Berbohong..
- Bergambar di baju apabila sembahyang....(apalagi gambar yg x senonoh)
- Perempuan pelacur (jgn m'cari kekayaan di dunia dgn mengadaikan kekayaan di akhirat)
- Berbuat buruk terhadap yang lemah (termsk membuli)
- Berdebat dan memusuhi (apalagi memusuhi sesama Islam)
- Bersifat dayus
- Bercakap kasar dengan orang tua (menderhaka la nie..)
- Dusta nama Allah dan rasulnya
- Derhaka pada suami..(kpd isteri2 yg sah mengikut syariat)
- Derhaka pada hamba Allah (menganggap dirinya baik)
- Hakim derhaka (khas utk hakim2 di luar sana)
- Homoseksual
- Mengurangi timbangan (dlm perniagaan)
- Lari seorang hamba dari tuannya
- Lelaki menyerupai wanita (pondan dll...)
- Lari dari medan perang di jalan Allah
- Membunuh manusia
- Membunuh diri sendiri
- Mengamalkan sihir (boleh menjd syirik)
- Meninggalkan sembahyang lima waktu (solat adalah amalan ke1 yg akan dihisab kelak)
- Meninggalkan sembahyang jumaat
- Menderhaka kepada kedua ibu bapa
- Memutuskan hubungan silaturrahim
- Melakukan zina (Masya allah)
- Makan harta anak yatim secara tidak betul
- Makan dari kekayaan haram
- Memberi dan menerima rasuah
- Melabuhkan pakaian kerana berlagak sombong
- Makan riba
- Minum arak (dan apa2 yg memabukkan)
- Mencuri
- Merompak
- Melakukan kezaliman (sama ada kpd sesama manusia,,binatang@diri sendiri)
- Melakukan pengkhianatan
- Menyebut-nyebut pemberian
- Mengingkari janji
- Memfitnah
- Mengutuk orang islam
- Merasa aman dari kemurkaan Allah
- Menipu harta rampasan
- Melampaui batas
- Menuduh zina terhadap orang baik
- Memakai emas dan sutera (bagi lelaki)
- Mempercayai nujum dan sihir
- Menjadi bapa sanggup
- Mencari kesalahan orang lain
- Menganggu orang lain
- Menganggu tetangga
- Menyakiti dan memaki orang islam
- Mengintip dan membuka rahsia orang
- Mencaci sahabat Nabi SAW
- Mengurangi wasiat
- Mengingkari takdir
- Putus asa dari rahmat Allah
- Penipuan dan kezaliman terhadap rakyat
- Riak dan mempamerkan diri
- Syirikkan Allah dengan sesuatu yang lain
- Sombong serta angkuh
- Sembelih untuk selain Allah
- Tidak mengeluarkan zakat
- Tidak berpuasa di bulan ramadhan
- Tidak mengerjakan haji jikalau mampu
- Tidak istinjak selepas kencing (antara punca azab kubur)
- Tidak mendengar cakap ibu bapa
- Tipu daya
- Wanita menyerupai lelaki